
Woo, a quite handsome guy,  is the only Korean in our class. He is a tall and sunny boy really impressd me at the first day.


It is really interesting that he learns Chinese actively, and all of us teach him informal word, sometimes dirty words. So he always says Chinese or Taiwanese rudely.  It is really funny.


This is the first lunch box made by Woo. He was proud of it, although everyone said it looks bad with Chinese. However, he don't understand what we said, and still feel happy to take picture with us.


Joanna, you laugh at Woo too much. How can you laugh at a handsand guy like Woo?

Today is Daniel's graduation for his Ph.D.


Wow, all of them look cool! But Daniel said the clothe costs 250 pounds, God!

幽默逗趣的攝影師正在”橋”畫面,這樣的相片一張要NT 1800左右,實在很貴。

The humorous cameraman was giving order to place them. One photo cost them 20 pounds. ha!

Congratulation, Daniel.  Hope you transfer your luck for me, and I will have a good year in the UK.

這是我未來部門附近的公園,Royal Fort Louge,十分美麗的公園。學長說有二隻狐狸住在這裡,看到人也不怕。以後下課就可以跟小仙蒂約在這吃午飯囉。

This is a beautiful park  near my future department. Daniel said there are two foxes livling here and they are not afraid of people.  It is a good park, I can eat lunch with Cindy in the future.

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